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Tag Archives: tawbah
Is suicide halal for the evil person?
I have heard that for an evil person, if they sleep, it is a good deed for them, because they cannot harm while sleeping. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged committing suicide, evil person, halal or haram, repentance, sinful, suicide, tawbah
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Someone who is hafiz Quran but does illicit thing
Bismillah. I would like to ask, I know someone who is hafiz Quran, memorized every of the surah and ayah. But this person does illicit thing, such as zina etc. same as someone who does huge amount of zikr, but watch illicit haraam thing. Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged `ulama, dunya, hafiz, hafiz al-Qur'an, hawa, illicit relations, imam, looking at haraam, nafs, repentance, Shaytan, sinner, tawbah
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Tauba and Baya
Sheikh I’ve read wakias of sheiks in past. If the mureeds did certain haraam things they would have to renew bayah. I wanted to ask I’m very weak due to this day and age fitna does that also apply nowadays? Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged baya`, baya` renewal, intercession, level of `azeema, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mureeds, repentence, seeking forgiveness, sins, tawbah
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Lied to prospective husband
Some years ago I told a big lie to a guy, I told him I had cancer. Then afterwards I told him that I got it treated and that I am fine now. I am now planning to marry this guy but I don’t know how to tell him… Continue reading
Posted in Marriage/Divorce
Tagged dishonesty, lies, tawbah
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Prayer Request: For Children
I am 4_ years old Muslim from [private]. I am married since 2003 yet I have no child. I have done many bad deeds and did a lot of things which are forbidden in Islam. But… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged dua for child, infertility issues, sabr, tawbah
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I’m a bad person
I have a question about what Grand Sheik Abdullah r.a said about certain people being kafer one day and believing the next… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged evil character, hatred, hopeless, horrible person, kafir, mistake, tawbah
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Prayer Request: Another marriage
I was recently with a man and I had intercourse with him, he promised me he would marry me then I found out he has another wife and child. He told me that he wanted to divorce her and marry me… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged illicit sex, tawbah, zina
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Adab of Ta’weez
1. I got the Naqshbandi ta’weez for our family and we are wearing it. I forgot to ask – is it OK to wear it for general protection or it should it be worn only against black magic and evil eye?
[fr]1. I got the Naqshbandi ta’weez for our family and we are wearing it. I forgot to ask – is it OK to wear it for general protection or it should it be worn only against black magic and evil eye?
[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab of tawiz, encased, hifzh, latrine, manners towards tawiz, menses, menstruation, protective amulet, purity, ruqya, spiritual protection, tawbah, tawiz, WC, wrapping
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Child born out of wedlock
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged illegitimate child, non-mahram, tawbah
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