Tag Archives: ya Razzaq
Prayer Request: To progress further without any Obstacles
I feel like someone is slowing me down with everything I do, especally my work and business and general life… Continue reading
Sell house or no?
I am asking on behalf of my whole family, we live in the ancestral house of my grandparents… Continue reading
How to increase Rizk – salary – earnings
I am financially hard pressed. I am a Computer Professional – Oracle DBA working in the US… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For a great career and to be closer to friends
Dear friends, my younger cousin, my family and I have been having a lot of trouble searching for good jobs… Continue reading
Solution to live with my wife and children
How according to the Sheikh, if a husband and wife living separately in two different cities each with a job… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For baraka in income
Dad has small shop that is costing a lot more than what it brings in. Should he keep it?… Continue reading
Worries for my parents
I am worried for my parents, especially my mother. She has been ill and for the past few days she keeps saying her body hurts badly and it feels like someone is poking a knife into her. Continue reading