Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Superiority of Syedna Ali al Murtaza and Syedna Abu Bakar
Question: Assalam u alayekum ! Is it permissible for a person who is in Naqshbandi Tariqah to think Syedna Ali superior than Syedna Abu Bakr (may Allah be pleased with them both),yet respecting and having love for both? Answer: `Alaykum … Continue reading
Dua for hardship found in Dailami
Question: As salaamu alykum My greetings to our beloved Shaykh Nazim, Sultanal-Awliya, may Allah grant him a long life and greetings to all his deputies. I must commend everyone on such a superb website, may Allah reward everyone involved. Amin … Continue reading
Combining Prayers
Q: What is the procedure for combined salat, like Salat-ud-dhur and Asr, as combined or Magrib and Isha? In winters, days are short so can we do combined salats? Continue reading
Nikah Mutaah
Q: Please can u enlighten me and the readers about the validity of nikah mutaah? Continue reading
Clarification about Imam Mahdi
Q: I have a salafi associate at work who bothers me about Sufism and I have little knowledge. Can you please help me. Recently, he has been attacking the Haqqani belief regarding sayyidina Mahdi as. He says that in the authentic narrations of the Prophet salalahualaih wasalam, it is mentioned that Mahdi will be 40 years old when he comes and he says Shaykh Mawlana has said he is born in 1930 and it is over 80 years. Continue reading
Spending Zakat on Mosques
Q: Can zakat be used to pay for the construction of mosques? Continue reading
Sleeping after fajr
Q: I just wanted to ask, if it is haraaml to sleep after finishing fajr salaat. Continue reading
Three kalimats after fard Salah
Q: I have a question concerning the three la il la ha il Allah ‘s that are read after the fard Salah and its origin. Continue reading
Newborn baby hair
Q: Please can you tell me the best way to dispose of my babies hair? Do I bury it? Continue reading