Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Dream: Travelling with Prophet PBUH

I dreamed that I met my Shaykh who passed away. He sat at the feet of a throne and asked me to sit at his own feet. Continue reading

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Facial Hair problem

I get thick hair on my face which looks too bad. Please Maulana, help me to get rid of it. Continue reading

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Dream: Asked to be a teacher

I saw a dream where I was in a gathering with Muslim men, women and children, along with 2 of my family members. Continue reading

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Mistakes during salaat

1) During salaat-ul-tasbih I forget to do tasbih at some stage. How do I rectify my mistake? Continue reading

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Thanking Allah SWT and Qurbani

1-Alhamdulillah, Allah SWT is Almighty and I am forever Gracious for the Mercy He has showered upon me. I would like to ask, however, what is the best way to “thank” Allah when a dua materalizes Continue reading

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Dream: seated with Mawlana Sultan and Hajjah Ruqayah

I entered a small room with Mawlana’s daughter, Hajjah Ruqayah, seated and Mawlana Sultan also seated on a chair. Continue reading

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Dream: Growing tooth

The other day when I fall asleep, I had dream that one of my teeth was growing. Continue reading

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Dream: holy nose of Prophet saws

I saw Saidouna Mouhammad salla allahou aleihi wa sallem. He was about 20 years old. Continue reading

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Dream: Seeing Maulana Shaykh Nazim

I had a dream where after khatm and going around in the circle to shake hands, I received a sort of gold medal with Allah Almighty’s name on it. Continue reading

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Again marriage problems

MSH recently gave us wird for our marriage problems, but I’m ashamed to say we keep getting into heavy arguments.[fr]MSH recently gave us wird for our marriage problems, but I’m ashamed to say we keep getting into heavy arguments.[/fr] Continue reading

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