Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani


If one enters the state of wajd (ecstacy) during zikr to the point they seem out of control, what should family members/friends around him do to help bring them back round if the person is out of control? Continue reading

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Natural fertility treatment
Traitement naturel pour la fertilité

My husband and I have been married for 12 years and we are still childless. [fr]Mon époux et moi sommes mariés depuis 12 ans et nous n’avons toujours pas eu d’enfant. J’ai adopté une fille, elle a 6 ans…[/fr] Continue reading

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Traitement naturel pour la fertilité

Parents disapproving of our marriage – out of caste

met a brother when I was 13 and he was also young. When I was 16 I told my parents that we would like to be married but they refused on the basis of a difference in our caste from Pakistan. Continue reading

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Bipolar Disorder
Troubles Bipolaires

Please answer 2 questions for a sister asking for help for her son. He spent 2 times several days in a psychiatric hospital (and intent to suicide) and doctors gave as diagnosis that he is “bi-polar”.[fr]Veuillez s’il vous plaît répondre à 2 questions pour une soeur demandant de l’aide pour son fils…[/fr] Continue reading

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Troubles Bipolaires

Prayer Request: For health
dua for health

Sayyedi, my husband needs your duas for an easy transition to new medication for seizure as prescribed by his doctor. Continue reading

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dua for health

Prayer Request: Help me Ya Saydee
Help me Ya Saydee

YA Qutb al Mustasarif help me, please tell me what to do. Continue reading

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Help me Ya Saydee

Need help

assalamoalikum saydi, I need your advice. I am having marriage problems. My husband will not spend any time with me or his children, He goes out every night to mosque and to see other mureeds and comes home at 3am Continue reading

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Dream: sayyadina Ibrahim (as) and black beast
Sayyidini Ibrahim (as) et une bête noire

i see sayyadina Ibrahim (as) transfering a light from Qur’an to my Heart n later, same night i see a dark black colored humanly shaped beast attacks my family…[fr]Dans mon rêve, je vois Sayyidina Ibrahim (as) qui transfère une lumière du Coran dans mon Coeur, et après, la même nuit,…[/fr] Continue reading

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Sayyidini Ibrahim (as) et une bête noire

prayer request for me and my wife

my wife is still in pakistan,please pray so that she can get visa to come to England,so that we could live togather,and also iam facing financial difficulties,please pray for them to be solved… Continue reading

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Two events: The Battle of Siffin and Karbala

My master when I read that Syedna Ali Raday Allahu anhu’s army refused to obey him at the battle of Siffin, I became very disturbed. Continue reading

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