Author Archives: Taher Siddiqui
Dream: husband in fire
We were in our new house and my husband up stairs I was talking about jin to my kids then hot rain drops came falling into our house I saw my husbands friend Izmil coming down the stairs leaving our house I saw the roof on fire and my husband was in it … Continue reading
Dream: Kings funeral
I dreamt a while ago, that I was at a kings funeral with other people, Maulana Sheikh Nazim(Allah bless him) was there, my father a sister also, my father was explaining to me the reason why the king passed away because he had no one to protect him like in the way my sister was protecting me… Continue reading
Dream: Dua from Shaykh Nazim
It’s always my dream to see Shaykh Nazim(Q) in real. And when I was sleeping I dreamt about him, I don’t know where I was. But when I saw him, I was in the state of happines. And my father was there too… Continue reading
Buy House
Q:would permission be granted if it would be possible to buy a house in a muslim country? Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Nazim and my dua
Dream: I always prayed to Allah sincerely from the bottom of my heart to accept my prayer, and one night I had a dream about my dua and Sheikh Nazim Saib came to my house and I greeted him by … Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (s) and saints
Then when I was eigtheen, I dream of the mazar of Khawja Moinudeen Chisti in India, thought I have never been to India, I dream of a person dressed in white and he was telling me it is your time to join the tariqa. Continue reading
Asking for Madad?
Q: Is it permitted to ask “Ya Shaykh `Abdal-Qadir madad!”?[fr]Q: Is it permitted to ask “Ya Shaykh `Abdal-Qadir madad!”?[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Jinn?
The other night while I was sleeping, I dreamt that a person covered in black clothes head to toe jumped out in front of me, I then hit him and ran away, after that I ended up in a pitch black street and called upon ya gaus alzam dastagar, while I was dreaming, my wife was laying next time wide awake because she couldnt sleep, I made a little scream in my sleep… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Sheikh Nazim
Dream: ASSALAMUALIKUM YA SAYADI actually i like a lady and we sent proposal for marriage with her but there are many problems.BUT I HOPE WITH MADAD OF MY SHEIKH IT WILL SORT OUT. i saw dream that lady was in … Continue reading