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shaving newborn’s hair
Is it required for Naqshbandis to shave their newborn babies’ hair? My grandmother was objecting since we have a girl. Continue reading
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What is the meaning of ali in the following sentence : allahuma shali ala Muhammad wa ala ALI Muhammad wa salam?… Continue reading
Can someone please speak to us about the hikmas (wisdoms) behind the Sunnah of eating salt before our meals?… Continue reading
I heard Mawlana Shaykh Hisham’s Suhba on cruelty to animals and was greatly heartened… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged animal, animal cruelty, animals, composition, consume, consumption, cruelty, death, destruction, deteriorate, food, halal meat, honor, Islamic slaughtering, lifestyle, meat, moderation, Prophet Muhammad (s), slaughter, slaughtering, vegetarian, vegetarian lifestyle
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Sunnah of the Turban and Walking Stick
I have read a couple of sources with regards to the turban. As previously mentioned, the sunnah of the turban is to wear it with a qalansuwwa… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged adab, angels, beardless youth, black, black turban, cane, colors, companions, green, green turban, length, over-sized, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sahaba, standing, Sunnah, turban, walking stick, white, young age, youngsters
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Relationship before marriage
I met a girl who is also Muslim and I at the time fell in love with her… Continue reading
Wearing Stones
I want to ask if the Holy Prophet (S. A. W. W) used to wear stones such as Feroza (turquoise) and Aqiq? If yes can I also wear both these simultaneously considering it a Sunnah of the Holy Prophet (S. A. W. W). Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged aqiq stone, beautification, feroza stone, gemstones, gold ring, naqsh on ring, silver jewelry, silver signet ring, sunnah stones, tazayyun, turquoise stone
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Modern methods of Da’wah of Zakir Naik
Please advise us on the various aspects of doing Da’wah under the flag of the Muslims… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged argue, argument, da`wah, debate, debating, doubt, hadith, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, method, non-Muslims, Shari`ah, Zakir Naik
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Unbelieving doctors
In MSN’s internet talks last year I think I heard MSN critisize seeing unbelieving doctors. Does this mean dont see them?
Also, I saw a billboard advert about fast (internet access) without breaks, but I thought it might have been a ‘sign’ and advice, so i fasted everyday for about 3 weeks. My condition improved, but should I have carried on? Might I have been right in seeing a ‘sign’?
Posted in Health, Siyam - Fasting, Sunnah
Tagged `Ashura, advertisements, billboard, Day of `Arafah, disbeliever, doctor, doctors, Fasting, internet, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Monday, Muslim doctor, Nifs Sha`ban, sawm, Shari`ah, siyam, sohba, suhbat, Sunnah, Thursday
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