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Tag Archives: angels
Many people do the hadrah and come out with a sore back or feeling dizzy. There are some that you can see are feeling something… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angels, broken heart, cramp, dhikr, dizzy, dunya, hadrah, martyrs, mercy, perfect submission, presence, pride, prophets, righteous, salawat, self-conscious, siddiqeen, Siddiqin, sincerity, sore back, spiritual proximity, spiritual state
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Dream: Owls?
I dreamt my mum took me to a farm to choose a pet. We arrived and next to the farm was a small forest. I went into the forest… Continue reading
Dream: Noor
My mother told me, many years ago she had her dream, where she is sitting in the middle and on the right and left are all women sitting with white clothes and noor reflecting off them… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, cover, hand, head, heaven, mother, noor, nur, paradise, white clothes, white light, women
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Dream: seeing 2 kabbahs
Asalam alaikum
I am 15 years old and am a mureed of moulana sheikh nazim.
Last year i had a dream that i went to makkah and when i entered the masjid i saw 2 kabbahs. In the dream i felt like crying and overwhelmed. This is all i could remeber of my dream. Could you please translate this dream for me thanks
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Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, Bayt al-Ma'mur, fourth heaven, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, Much-Frequented House, Prophet Muhammad (s)
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White ball of lights
Recently whenever we take pictures, almost 80% of the pictures have white balls of light in it. Varies in sizes and brightness. There’s one particular incident, my daughter was like playing with something unseen in the air, so we decided to take a snap. To our surprise, the entire photo was filled with white ball of lights. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angels, white balls of light
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Guardian Angel of Animals
I am wondering if there is an angel that protects domestic animals or one that watches over them… Continue reading
Posted in General
Tagged abode, angels, animals, blessed, blessed activities, dhikr, domestic animals, du`a, health, home, household, pets, possessions, prayer, protection, raindrop, stones
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Sunnah of the Turban and Walking Stick
I have read a couple of sources with regards to the turban. As previously mentioned, the sunnah of the turban is to wear it with a qalansuwwa… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged adab, angels, beardless youth, black, black turban, cane, colors, companions, green, green turban, length, over-sized, Prophet Muhammad (s), Sahaba, standing, Sunnah, turban, walking stick, white, young age, youngsters
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Dream: Man holding white water pot hajj
I was 17, I was in a desert like place, there were deep reddish brown rocky hill, like if someone pours water on dirt it becomes darker but this had a redish tone… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged angels, carry, desert, dunya, hajj, hajj clothes, ihram, opening, protection, reddish tone, rocky hill, shoulder, spiritual water, water, water pot, white, world
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Spirituality during pregnancy and Labour
have a question about pregnancy and birth. What exactly is happening spiritually during the months of pregnancy and during the labour? Are angels delivering the baby? When does the soul enter the child? Continue reading