Tag Archives: Arabic
Isme zaat vision in green
Since I came back from Umrah 2008 when I close my eyes I see green light… Continue reading
Conditions for Intention in Ibadah
What are the conditions for a valid intention in any act of ibadah? (mainly wudu’, prayers and ghusl)… Continue reading
What is the meaning of ali in the following sentence : allahuma shali ala Muhammad wa ala ALI Muhammad wa salam?… Continue reading
Dua in SujoodDua durant le Sujood
When is the best time to do dua in sujood…[fr]Quel est le meilleur moment de faire une dua pendant le sujood… (j’ai lu que c’est durant le dernier sujood de la sunnah du fajr)?…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: a Warrior
I was listening to Sheikh Kabbani speak in Arabic. It was a spirited talk. I usually listen to Arabic Lectures or Quran recitations when I go to sleep so I get used to the sound of the language. Continue reading
The Ten “Men”/الرجال العشرةQuestion: Les Dix Hommes
كما أريد أن أسأل عن الرجال العشرة,من هم بالتحديد؟[fr]Qui sont exactement les ”Dix Hommes”?…[/fr] Continue reading