Tag Archives: cousin
Dream: Pears and Young Mawlana
I dreamt that my cousin and I were called by a young Sheikh Nazim (q) to follow him. It seemed like it was after the Asar prayer… Continue reading
Dream: Dream: Brothers, cousin and a girl
I was in a train with brothers of the tariqa, then I felt myself in the center of the city where I saw my cousin Zakaria… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Dont know what I want
My aunt proposed marriage of her son, in India with me. Family’s planning for wedding in october. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Urgent
Please Maulana pray for my friend .her parents are enforcing her to marry her cousin (as her cousin doesn’t respect women and other matters as well). Continue reading
Dreaming in a dream
Last night I had a strange dream. I was dreaming in my dream. In that dream I met my cousin who already passed away. Continue reading
Prayer Request: court case
please make dua for my cousin , he will be success in his court case. Continue reading
Dream: Offering Nafil Prayers
I saw that I was reciting Surat-ul-Fatiha with English Translation and then I saw that I am in a mosque doing Wud’u. Continue reading
Dream: Giving food to all
I dreamed I was with Naqshbandi brothers waiting for friends interested in the Tariqa. Someone said Jofre was coming too. I said, jokingly about this person: “Enxofre!” which means sulfur in portuguese. Continue reading