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Tag Archives: creation
Nur Mohammad
From hadith, it is said Nur of Rasulullah (SWS) was the first creation of Allah(JJ). From Quran, it is said that everything was created in pairs. How do we understand this ayah with perspective of Rasulullah’s noor? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged creation, first of creation, Light of Prophet (s), nur, Nur an-Nabi (s), pairs, Prophetic light
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Discussions on Creation
My family do not seem to believe in Creation. We often have discussions regarding Religious matters, God, and creation. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged arguement, belief in Allah, creation, family conflict, God, religion, struggle against the nafs, unbelief
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Level of education
Sir I want to ask question that about some hadiths the level of acquiring education is 70 times greater then ibadat (prayer)… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ibadat, accompaniment of awliya, achieving sainthood, awliya, awliyaullah, awrad, bad characteristics, contemplation, creation, Day of Judgment, dhikr, dhikrullah, flaws, grave, interrogation, knowledge, necessity, prayer, records, reflecting, sacrifice, seeking knowledge, tafakkur, tests, the Bridge, wali, wazifa, wird, worship
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Jawhar vs. Sifat
Sidi, could you recommend any reading on the difference between a jawhar/`arad and dhat/sifat… Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged a`rad, Allah, attributes, body, color, conceptual, creation, defining characteristic, description, descriptive, dhat, difference, dimensions, essence, intrinsic, intrinsic substance, jawhar, jism, non-essential, object, odoer, possessing descriptions, sifat, size
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about ‘Muhammad, the Messenger of Islam: His Life & Prophecy’
Q:In this book it is said that prophet Muhammad PBUH is ‘ Abu Arwah’ Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Abu arwah, body, clay, creation, Father of all souls, Hajjah Amina Adil, Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyya, mission, Muhammad, Reality of the Prophet (s), Sayyidina Adam (as), spirit, the Messenger of Islam, water
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About Aliens and Divine Name Ya LateefuA propos des extraterrestres et du nom Divin Ya Latif
About Aliens, I have a neighbor who lives talking of aliens and I wonder if this can be compatible with the Aqeedah of a Muslim.[fr]Ma question est à propos des extraterrestres…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged `aqidah, aliens, Allah's Beautiful Names and Attributes, belief, creation, creations, human beings, neighbor, Quran, Sunnah
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A propos des extraterrestres et du nom Divin Ya Latif
Nur Muhammadi
Q: It is said that prophet Muhammad PBUH is ‘ Abu Arwah’ (Father of all Souls), so does it mean spiritually He (PBUH) is the father of Adam (RA), but physically his (RA) son (PBUH). Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Abu'l-arwah, clay, creation, first, last, Nur Muhammadi, Nur-i-Muhammadi, Sayyidina Adam (as), Sayyidina Muhammad (s)
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Eve created from Adam’s rib
According to my knowledge Hawa (Eve) was created from a rib of Adam. I always knew this to be the case however an article in a local newspaper in Pakistan, a scholar said that there is no proof of this i.e. no evidence (hadith) exists. Continue reading