Tag Archives: grandmother
Hazrat Musa in dream and told that I will go to jannah
my grandmother was painting the walls then the door knocked Continue reading
Dream: My sister’s istikhara
My sis did istikhara for her marriage and the dreams are: Ist dream my sis and my… Continue reading
Dream: sheikh ul islam dr tahir ul qadri
Once I saw Shiekh ul Islam in my dream and I asked him to make dua for me to… Continue reading
My Grandmother’s pain
My grandma is very ill, she can’t walk because of the pain she has in her legs… Continue reading
Dream: Kiss and Sayyidah Nafisah(ra)
1- I was dreaming, I have lots of ahlbayt(as) kitaab beside me under a cloth.(get to know its ahlbayt kitaab when I open the cloth)… Continue reading
Dream: Warning from MSH
1. I saw a lion dressed like a human trying to kill me, and I was shown a house from which the lion was being sent… Continue reading
Dream: killed
I had a dream that me and my sisters were walking in this place where all the non-Muslims had a scary mask on… Continue reading
Ijaazah Request
I recently took online bay’at and said to myself that I would only consider my bay’at accepted if I received a sign from Mawlana Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading