Tag Archives: kashf
Is there such a thing as poses similar to that of Yoga that is to be done with Naqshbandi Breathing?
Should I do a lot of Dhikr, and try to reach Divine presence and seek an answer from saints and Kashf. Continue reading
Secret of Tariqah and Unveiling
What is the difference and how to explain the difference between the SECRET of a Tariqa and the tarbiyyah of a Shaykh on his Mureeds. Continue reading
Please give me some advice Maulana Shaykh
I know that awliyaAllah and other special people sometimes can just look at a person and know everything about that person[fr]I know that awliyaAllah and other special people sometimes can just look at a person and know everything about that person, e.g what sufferings they are currently undergoing, what their state of mind is or even what they are hiding, probably from themselves even.[/fr] Continue reading
Near Death Experience, Robotic Voice
My friend had near death experience after a serious car accident and in that state he says he had heard a metallic sound or robotic voice or like alien voice… Continue reading
Basirah, Eye of the Heart
Where is the eye of the heart is it the same as the third eye chakra?[fr]Where is the eye of the heart is it the same as the third. Eye chakra
And is there any quick way to open it and have kashf ?[/fr] Continue reading
Statement of Bayazid Bistami (ra)
Could you please shed some light on this statement, specifically the last part about religious obligation being “companionship with the Master”? Continue reading
Karamat (Miracle) vs Magic
I was discussing with a Malaysian brother on the issue of karamat and black magic. He was saying that its hard to distinguish the two… Continue reading
History of Saints in the Philippines
I am from sibutu island in the Philippines. Islam was brought to the Philippines by a Sheikh named Karim-ul Makhdum. He was an arab… Continue reading
Imam Mehdi Calculations
Sorry for my adab as i’m confuse too. Pls advise many thanks. Continue reading