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Tag Archives: mashaykh
Adab for visiting Khawajagan
I want to visit to maqam of Naqshbandi saints Golden Chain in Uzbekistan… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab, Bukhara, conduct, etiquette, Khawajagan, mashaykh, Naqshband Golden Chain, Naqshbandi Shaykhs, saints, Samarqand, visitation, ziyarah
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Dream: Shaykh Hisham at the grave of RasoolAllah(saw)
I had a dream in which I was at the grave of the Holy Prophet(saw) and present were Shaykh Hisham and other mashaikh… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged abilities, beneficial, characteristics, clearing dust, Dala'il al-Khayrat, darood, faculties, grave of Prophet Muhammad (s), group, heart, improvement, lead, maqam, mashaykh, masjid an-Nabawi, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, organs, ornamenting, path of servanthood, perfume, Prophet Muhammad (s), Rawdah, Rawdat ash-Sharifa, real being, recitation, representative, safety, salams, salawat, sandalwood, seekers of realities, servanthood, sign, specialties, tomb, within
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In need of wisdom
Q: If Prophet Muhammad hate if people make religion harder for his ummah. Why people study a lot of stuff outside Quran and Sahih. Continue reading
Dream,office,Maula Shaikh Nazim
This is a dream I saw in April last year.I saw our beloved Master Maulana Shaikh Nazim seated in a high chair in a room which resembled an office(or a library as it was packed with lots of books). Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged books, guidance, heart, house, library, mashaykh, Mawlana Shaykh Muhammad Nazim al-Haqqani, office, seekers
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Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and tariqa questionImam Mahdi (as)+ tariqa question
1) I live in the UK and was wondering that when Imam Mahdi (as) appears, where would be the best places to move to: Syria? Madina? Cyprus? Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged awrad, dhikr, Imam Mahdi, intercede, intercession, mashaykh, Naqshbandi Golden Chain, Prophet Muhammad (s), safety, Sayyidina Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Sham, Sham ash-Sharif, shaykhs, Syria, tariqah
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Imam Mahdi (as)+ tariqa question
Dream: Mawlana Syeikh Nazim gives authorizationMawlana Syeikh Nazim Give autorization in dream
O My Shaykh, in the earlier time when I took bayyat to Shaykh Nazim on the internet, after that through Shaykh Hisyam, once I have a dream between sleep and awake. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged carry, declined, Imam Mahdi, internet baya`, mashaykh, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, opening, Prophet Muhammad (s), responsibility, secret power, smiled, throw, trust, ummah
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Mawlana Syeikh Nazim Give autorization in dream
Prophet Muhammad Sallallaahu alayhi wasallamProphète Mouhammad sallallaahu aleyhi wasallam
Q: Can shaitan make me think that I’ve seen them when I haven’t seen them and sometimes I’m not sure if I really saw them or was I just thinking about them in a wake/sleep state. [fr]1) Est-ce que shaytan peut me faire croire que je les ai vu…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged ar-Rahman, correct, dream, inspiration, mashaykh, Prophet Muhammad (s), raka`atayn, remember, Shaytan, sleep, suhur, true, wake, wudu
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Prophète Mouhammad sallallaahu aleyhi wasallam
Dream: of prophet saw
I was in a field near magrib time and infront of me a huge gate with a big metal lock on it, all of a sudden the lock was opened and the gates opened. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged afterlife, akhira, dunya, grave, maqam, mashaykh, murid, Sayyidina Muhammad (s), temptation, test, trial, women, worldly life
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Relation’s between sunni scholars
Q: With humble submission we observe with pain that prominent sunni aleems/mashayks from Pakistan has negative understandings against each other. Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged `ulama, Ahl as-Sunnah wa'l-Jama`ah, dispute, division, mashaykh, Pakistan, scholars, unity
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