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Tag Archives: nafs
Dream: Separation
I had a dream that I am hiding her in the house continuously and then my brothers find… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bright, brothers, bump, content, contentment, disappointed, guidance, hanging clothes, happy balance, hiding, hijab, house, laughing, mother, nafs, overcome, rooms, separated, sister, smiling, sunny day, washing line, wife
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Dream: Snake biting me
I had a dream that I was in a big feild which was full of little green snakes… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged connection, cousin, dangers, dunya, family members, field, green snakes, hawa, jinn, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, men, mouth, nafs, sacrifice, safe, safety, Shaytan, shouting, snakebite, truth, warning, will
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Dream: Fear for a baby boy falling down
My mother had a dream that 2nd son is born to my father’s friend. My mother sees him and says he is fairer than the first one… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged anger, baby, caution, collection, dressing table, envy, fair skin, favors, forgiveness, good deeds, greed, hatred, jealousy, kohl pots, lap, mother, nafs, patient, pious works, praiseful, revenge, richness, righteous, Sayyidina Muhyidin ibn `Arabi, shirt, showcase, son, test, thankful, trial
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Dream: Marriage
I performed istikhara 3 times on the proposal and saw various dreams. The first dream was of my aunt and cousin telling me that they approve… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged approval, aunt, cousin, culture, difficulties, dreams, future husband, istikhara dream, nafs, parental approval, parents, proposal, reality, ring, seeking marriage, signs, successful marriage
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Nafs issues
I have been in and out of following the way , but cannot stand being out again. I need help please… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged concentration, dhikr, dirty thoughts, dunya, focus, lustful thoughts, nafs, righteous people, salat, shirk, wives of the righteous, women
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Dream: zombie
Ive had a few dreams of my brother recently, whos not religious. Im talking about tariqa in all of them and he is interested. In one, after we were talking, we watched a film. There was a girl lying down and every few seconds she’d say “its wonderful” Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged attraction, dunya, hawa, movies, nafs, Shaytan, worldly life
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Dream about Pigs
My cousin her younger sister ( refer to her as A*), & cousin sister in law ( refer to as B*), are just about to walk down this path and there’s big fields either side of the path & loads of pigs all over, there are literally millions of pigs, and they are big and fat! Continue reading
noor on face
Sometimes a brother makes dhikr, recites the Quran, and then people come to him because they see noor on his face… Continue reading