Tag Archives: Prayers
Cemented high graves
Me and my family are Naqshbandis, and we often go to the shrines of saints for fatiha and request them to pray for us… Continue reading
Mazhab and Prayers
1) I live in a country where majority are Shafi’e Mazhab.However, after marriage I made intention to switch to Hanafi… Continue reading
Damaged a person’s life
I had a very disturbing & unusual childhood/youth due to family & many things in my life have been a reaction of this… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Diabetes of my daughter
My daughter of 6 years old has Diabetes since 3 years now… Continue reading
Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Hisham
I have had two dreams, one a few weeks where Shaykh Hisham is sitting down and I fill his cup of water,… Continue reading
Fiqh question about salat in the hanafi madhab
I’ve been living in france, i’m french muslim. my parents were from Portugal. I’ve been naqshbandi mureed of Mawlana for 2 years… Continue reading
Dream: Palace in makkah
I am with my parents and we are in a magnificent palace. I know we are in Makkah. My-brother-in-law is taking us on a tour of the masjid/palace (since he bought a room there) and we notice some beautiful sinks on the left to perform ablution. We walk passed them and then he takes myself and my mother up a staircase, but with each step my mother is getting older and frailer. She only gets to the 4th-floor and I don’t see her after that in the dream. We reach the 8th floor at the top, and then suddenly we (my father and brother-in-law) are sitting waiting for maghrib prayer in the hall, I know it’s already dark outside but people are saying it’s not time yet, there are 20mins-to-go. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Illness
We have recently discovered that our neighbour’s 4 year old child Bilal has been diagnosed with Leukemia… Continue reading
Dream: sora AL Waqia
1) I saw in my dream Quran in giant size. When I opened it, it was sora al waqia. Continue reading