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Tag Archives: Quran
Dream: RasoolAllah (s) in my Umrah
I went to do Umrah. I saw glass doors which were not opening. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `umrah, al-Mahdi, believers, buzurg, dhikr, girls, glass doors, hudur an-Nabi (s), Judgment Day, Ka`aba, Mecca, presence of Prophet (s), Quran, recitation, salawat, shaykh, sunset, test, waliullah
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Advice but it will Hurt Parent’s feelings?
My dad has a narrow opinion of everything. Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged advice, advise, angry, argue, dhikrullah, disrespect, father, fruits, kind speech, mother, narrow-minded, patience, Quran, reward, scold, tafsir, tree, uff, Ya Halim
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Dream: waiting for Maulana
I saw a dream that I was near a small wooden hut over a stream. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged awliya, earth, forest, hut, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, pebbles, Prophet Muhammad (s), Quran, simplicity, stream, voice, written word
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Gay family member
Recently, I had lunch with some friends and she said one of the family members had admitted to being gay and undergone an operation to make permanent changes. Continue reading
Dream: Surah FalaqRêve: Sourate Al Falaq
We were sitting in a class and my murshid were also there,, and there was a female/teacher who was listening to our recitation..girl next to me didnt know how to recite Surah Falaq (from her memory)..[fr]Nous étions assis dans une classe et mon maitre (Mourchide) était également présent, et il y avait un maitre qui était une femme et qui écoutait notre récitation. [/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged `umrah, Divine support, hajj, knowledge, murshid, pen, Quran, recitation, sainthood, Surat al-Falaq, wilayah
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Rêve: Sourate Al Falaq
Why the verb salli in salawat
Please explain why the verb salli as an order to Allah in Allahumma salli ala Muhammad ! Continue reading
Prayer Request: constant fight with jinn
I am currently being attacked by jinn everyday, especially when I sleep at night. Continue reading
Dream: zikr in my village
I had a dream that all the streets of my village were full of people attending zikr. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged church, dhikr, end times, faith, golden letters, Imam Mahdi, iman, Islam, masjid, mosque, non-Muslims, Quran, worship
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Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim teaches me healing
I was in a class. Maulana mentions that the only leaf to directly clean the blood is the aloe leaf. Continue reading
Name of Allah
Is Ya Daafi a name of Allah..If so could you please inform me what is the “abjad” value of the name.. Continue reading →