Tag Archives: relationship
Relation Interest
As I told you my age is 30 and I am still single want to do marriage but my family is very slow… Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara dream for marriage
I’m running 31 year of age. 2 years before I involved a with a man junior than me… Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Hisham and ex fiancee
I’ve had 2 dreams of ex. One was what felt like we are at derga of Sultan’s and in there she tells me she’s happy… Continue reading
Prayer Request: disheartened by friends
Recently I have asked a friend to help our family business out whilst we are away but he says he cannot do it and his reasons aren’t valid… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Is it possible to return to my ex-husband?
Mawlana, I am divorced for almost two years and I still love my ex-husband, is there any Duaa that I can do to make my ex-husband miss me again… Continue reading
Prayer Request: successful marriage
I have only been married for a short time, however we have had many arguments due to our differences… Continue reading
Relationship before marriage
I met a girl who is also Muslim and I at the time fell in love with her… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Relationships
I have met what feels like the other half of my soul in another person. I have never felt such an energy from another person, but our relationship is having problems… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Please pray for Syech (INDONESIA)
I hope Maulana Syech Nazim and Maulana syech Hisyam pray for Syech <> (kyai slamet) in, Indonesia for him to enter into this thariqat. Continue reading