Tag Archives: safety
Dream: A creature
I dreamt I am driving night time (i think going towards home) a man tells me to be careful and asks me to take a different route (this time i am walking) which is faster. I take his advice and walk and keep reading Ayat Al Kursi or the 3 Kuls but i am not sure. So i keep walking and when i am taking a turn i see a black goat and i stop (its morning now) coz for a min an keep reading, then goat which turns to a creature moves aside and goes under water (a small pond) when i turn i see that the creature has turned white under water, i wave at it (like a good bye) and walk then i see the creature is helping my kids (3 kids but i am unmarried) and then i woke up. What does it mean?
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Dream: Surah Kahf
In my dream I was with a friend on a speed boat and when we stopped there was another person with us who said ” The Sufi Saints saved me and they came down from the heavens”… Continue reading
Dream about Isa (as)
Salaam this is a question regarding a dream my mother had. she dreamt that she was looking out a window & saw isa walking on water towards her, she just had a feeling it was him. Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (s) riding a lion
many years ago i saw a dream where i saw myself floating high up in the air looking down on the ground, where on a moonlit, bright and beautiful night… Continue reading
Dream: nightmares or truth
driving my car my kids in the back car has no petrol but i carry on driving with gret difficulty a little further but it really needs petrol and stops and suddenly car explodes i see fire in front of my eyes Continue reading
Dream: no leg, no hand
My mother dream that i have no leg and hand. I move without hands and legs. My mother ask me to be careful as there might be something bad happen to me like accidents or somethings. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Prayer and guidance
I really was very zolim and in desperate need of repair… Continue reading
Dream: Tornado
I dreamt that I was in the kitchen with my husband and mother in law. Suddenly there was this strong wind-just like a tornado. It’s sound and strength grew stronger and stronger… Continue reading
Imam Mahdi (a.s.) and tariqa questionImam Mahdi (as)+ tariqa question
1) I live in the UK and was wondering that when Imam Mahdi (as) appears, where would be the best places to move to: Syria? Madina? Cyprus? Continue reading