Tag Archives: sajda
Dream: Dream of MSH
I dreamt that I was with a group of mureed at an airport sending Mawlana Shaykh… Continue reading
Dream: A disappearing sheikh
I am asking this dream on behalf of a Shia/revert brother who is interested in learning more about Sufism… Continue reading
Dream: Clouds
I had a dream where I was talking with a Libyan about Gaddafi. I was asking him about Gaddafi lineage… Continue reading
Dream: Dream: Allah (swt) and our Prophet (sws)
I had a dream where I enter a room, in which there is a square outlined, to which I am told to do sajda as it is Allah (swt)’s House… Continue reading
Pulling up my pants
I am wondering, when going into sajda (prostration) if you lift you pants before doing this,… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing a purple elephant
I saw myself my mum and 2 sisters and brother doing sajda in my old house ( where I used to live when I was younger)… Continue reading
Dream: Two for the price of one
I was somewhere, and I saw this girl serving tea, and there were a lot of books in opened boxes and a man with a mustache at desk and on a wall… Continue reading