Tag Archives: scholars
Bitcoins and Islamic Dinar
Is there any fatwa allowing or talking about this new currency called bitcoins? What would be the impact of it in the midst of the modern world and the nations that are Muslim majority? Continue reading
Organ Donor
Would you please let me know what is Islam’s prespective on post mortem organ donation… Continue reading
Imam Razi
Is Kitab al arba’in fi usul ad-dine from Imam Fakhr Dine Ar Razi a trusted and reliable book… Continue reading
Organ Donation from a Deceased person
I would like to know if a deceased person can donate organs after his passing away. Continue reading
Mas’alat al-Walidayn
I have attached a word document with a quote from Ibn Kathir’s seerah regarding… Continue reading
Dream: Mom n sis dreams
Sis dreamed we were in a mosque with the king n queen of our country.The royal couple have scholars sit on the right n on the left. Continue reading
Lengthening Garments (Isbal)
1. What does isbal mean linguistically and in its Shar’i application? (Is there an opinion that it relates to trailing as opposed to merely lengthening the garment?)… Continue reading
sunnianswers.wordpress.com reliability?
Could Sidi Gibril Haddad please advise about the soundness of the articles and replies on the website sunnianswers.wordpress.com, written by Shaykh Abu Adam?… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Project music hit song
i am working on a song with an artist and i want to know if i have the permission to make one hitsong without thinking that i am doing something wrong. Can you also pray for me that i will be successful with my projects? I really appreciate your Dua. Continue reading
Sending Salawat on Muhammad(Saw)
I want to ask that what is the origin of sending the short form of salat on Prophet(Saw) , which is Sallahu Alaihi wasallam… Continue reading