Tag Archives: spouse
Is Husband’s nikah broken on wife’s death?
at the time of a women’s death is the Husband’s Nikah broken? Continue reading
Asking through Wasilah
I’ve met someone who intends to marry me. He generally has good deen and character, however he and his family don’t believe in wasilah, and are not mureeds. They believe we can ask directly from Allah ta’ala. Continue reading
Remarriage to Ex
I hope you are doing fine. My ex wife [private] and I still communicate sometime. She filed for divorce 2 months ago. If we both want to be together again (remarried)… Continue reading
Dividing of Assets after Divorce
Ya Sayidee the whole story is too long and it would just waste your time.Basics are:-Father has left home and remarried ,says has given divorce to mother (first wife)… Continue reading
Dream: Selling my house
I dream of selling my house, what does it mean?… Continue reading
Marriage to a Close Relative
I would to ask the rulings of marrying to our close relatives. Are we allowed to marry a close relative,… Continue reading
Marriage Compatibility request
I have recently met a brother on the internet, he is 6 years older than me but he seems a good person… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Husband’s negative thoughts
Mawlana Shaykh, please make dua for my family to be sakinah, mawadah wa rahmah and full barakah… Continue reading
Prayer Request: For Marriage
My name is [private], please pray for my marriage….I’m finding myself so lonely… Continue reading