Tag Archives: turban
Dream: Meeting a bazoorag (older man wearing a turban)
I recently had a dream where I met an older man with a turban but I did not recognise who it was, may be Shaykh Nazim?… Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara for marriage
I see the brother in white sunnah dress with noor coming from his face and smiling at me… Continue reading
Small Statue in my Bedroom
I found in a second-hand market a small statue in brass. It represents a Muslim with a beard, dressed in a tunic,… Continue reading
Dream: The most powerful love
I was fleeing from what I thought were a band of Muslim zealots. I was riding on horseback through a desert… Continue reading
Dream: Ulemas in black cloak and green turban
Asalam u laikum warahmatullah wa barakahtu, Im sitting ulema’s dressed in black cloaks and green turbans were all busy in conversation about whats happening around the world, all very eagerly waiting for whats still to come. I look around & notice i’m the only female amongst them?
May allah make all the believers imaans even stronger AMEEN!
Jazak allah khair. Continue reading
Dream: Sutlan ul awwlia
1:In this dream I’m in a very large empty room similar to a masjid, all four walls are made of a transparent powerful light… Continue reading
Sunnah of the Turban and Walking Stick
I have read a couple of sources with regards to the turban. As previously mentioned, the sunnah of the turban is to wear it with a qalansuwwa… Continue reading
Dream: Maulana Shakyh Hisham in Red Turban
– I dreamt that Maulana was playing with my baby niece. I then kissed his hand, on his finger he had a silver ring in shape of the Prophet’s footprint (like what he has on his turban)… Continue reading
Positive effect of Shaikh Nazim’s dua
have been reciting a dua from a video of Mawlana Nazim for a few days. One night before bed time, I recited it focusing on the first sentence about “BismiAllah”,… Continue reading