Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Missed weekly Khatm Khwajagan and about dua

I am sorry to say that I have missed my weekly Khatm Khawajagan. Continue reading

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Separation without reason

I was married to my best friend. We loved each other very much, but, after a year of marriage he started to walk away from me and hate me for no reason. [fr]I was married to my best friend. We loved each other very much, but, after a year of marriage he started to walk away from me and hate me for no reason. [/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: W.C.

A few weeks ago my sister had a dream that we were sitting in my mom’s house and she said I told her I had to use the w.c.. Continue reading

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To be nothing and To know oneself

1: It is advised that we have to be nothing. May I know what it means to be nothing and what should one do to be nothing. [fr]1: It is advised that we have to be nothing. May I know what it means to be nothing and what should one do to be nothing. [/fr] Continue reading

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Loss and Gain

I have taken baya about five years ago. I have managed to regularize awrad after Asr, all salah with azkhar up to the surah with “gifting”, and usually manage fajr. Continue reading

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Dream: zikr in my village

I had a dream that all the streets of my village were full of people attending zikr. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: The Month of Safar

The month of Safar has terrible manifestations which rain down upon us. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: disillusioned

i belong to the family of hazrat soofie sahb but i am part of the naqshbandi kandhaari silsila. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: Mum to come to tariqa

please could Shaykh Hisham pray for my mum to become a follower of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. I have been following Mawlana secretly for 4 years now due to family having wahabi views. Continue reading

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Dream: Mawlana Shaykh Nazim teaches me healing

I was in a class. Maulana mentions that the only leaf to directly clean the blood is the aloe leaf. Continue reading

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