Tag Archives: `amal
Spiritual Disease affecting others
How is it possible to get my amal, dua, zikr answered without affecting anyone else? Right now the only thing that doesn’t affect anyone is salawat because it’s a straight request that doesn’t need to come down to me. Continue reading
Dream: Pomegranate
Asalamulaikum to all at sufilive and Eshaykh.com and all the beloved shaykhs.
Today I write to you in regards of a dream I have had. Firstly I would like to say I have been reading all wazaif given and praying namaaz also tahajudd. Continue reading
I don’t understand
I have 2 questions. I did Hazrat Dawood (AS) amaal, but within 1 day it seem to me that it backfired. The guy whom I want to marry is saying that his family has almost fixed his marriage but he does not want to marry that woman. Continue reading
Dream: Two pieces of cloth
I saw dead body of my sis wrapped in kafan. My mother kept it folded in washing machine… Continue reading
How to gain Nur on the face
Ya Sayedi teach us a way on how to gain bright nur on our faces, a du`a or `amal… Continue reading
Shyness in religion
One morning after just getting out of bed ,I saw a bright light approaching from inside my right eye. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Inconsistence in good `amal
I am very inconsistent in doing any good amal and i am very sad about it. Please pray for me to be a good Muslim and a devout follower of Sultan al Awliya . Thank you very much Sayyidi. Continue reading
`Aqidah and tasdiq
Question: Is there a difference between AQEEDAH AND TASDEEQ, believing and trusting; meaning that belief is 100% but trusting is not? Answer: `Aqidah is the general term for belief, of which tasdiq is a part. But tasdiq is not just … Continue reading
Dream: entering to special place
..We find ourselves on a very highly situate terrace overlooking a wide beautiful landscape from up high as far as the eye can reach. Right near the entrance there is Maulana Sheikh Nazim at a younger age… Continue reading