Tag Archives: belief
Denial of Mi`raj not kufr?
It has been mentioned that denying the M’iraj is not kufr… Continue reading
Query about status of Sheikh Nazim ul Haqqani
I have studied a little bit about him…Muslim Ummah is waiting for a spirtual leader… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Desperate (urgent help wanted)
My faith in Islam has becoming shaken by others I see everywhere and I don’t know what is the truth… Continue reading
Apostacy in Islam
I have been told that if you commit apostacy in Islam knowing or unknowingly your nikah beomes invalid and you have to renew it again… Continue reading
Dream: Sister who came back to Islam
I had a dream of a sister who in life left Islam and but as far as I know now she has returned back to Islam… Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Hisham and ex fiancee
I’ve had 2 dreams of ex. One was what felt like we are at derga of Sultan’s and in there she tells me she’s happy… Continue reading
Cemented high graves
Me and my family are Naqshbandis, and we often go to the shrines of saints for fatiha and request them to pray for us… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Need Permission
I really love this guy. He promised to marry me but now he says we should take time apart for two years… Continue reading