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Tag Archives: body
Teach your Children Swimming, Archery, and Horsemanship
I’m having intention to go and serve in the army as a reservist for a couple of months InshaAllah… Continue reading
Posted in Sunnah
Tagged adults, archery, armies, army, army reserves, ashes, battlefight, body, children, chivalry, command, discipline, domain, ego, fight, gaze, greater jihad, harm, horseback riding, horsemanship, horses, jihad, knight, knighthood, lesser jihad, manhood, marriage, mind, ride, Rijalullah, Sayyidina `Umar ibn al-Khattab (r), serve, soul, spirit, spiritual authority, subordinate, Sunnah, supererogatory worship, swim, teach, tradition, weapons
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When Mawlana Shakes
I have noticed Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil Al-Haqqani Sultanul Awliya in some of his videos that at various times his body startes shaking for a short while… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angel, awliya, body, glance of Prophet (s), Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, sensation, shake, shiver, touch, tremble, worship
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Dream: Coming out of body
I saw a dream the other day where I was laid down on the floor when the earth started to crack open… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged body, crack, earth, earthquakes, final, fire, floor, Last Days, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, open, predecessor, Quran, shaking, Surat az-Zalzalah
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Dream: Zikr/capturing
I couldn’t see anything but I could feel as if my body was being captured by something. As this was happening I felt as if… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah, bed, body, captured, control, dhikr, goodness, heartbeat, helpless, internet baya`, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, online baya`, uncontrolled
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Small Statue in my Bedroom
I found in a second-hand market a small statue in brass. It represents a Muslim with a beard, dressed in a tunic,… Continue reading
Covering for women at home
1. Is it wajib for a woman to cover her sattarr at home (excluding non-mahrams)? … Continue reading
Posted in Women's Issues
Tagged alone, body, cover, dark room, hair removal, Hanafi School, home, knee, men, menses, menstruating, minimize exposure, nakedness, navel, necessary, necessity, non-mahram, recommended, shower, wajib, woman
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Dream: Death
Assalamu Alaykum
1) I dreamnt that I was with my wife. I could see myself wearing a suit in a coffin dead. My wife was saying to me that my head would need to be buried seperate and it will come off as its been a while before getting buried. I say make sure you bury it with my body even if you have to put foam padding on each side,
2) Maulana is sitting on his chair and I am on floor at his feet. He is upset with me but allows me to rub there naked leg up until knee. i tell them I love them and they reply they love me too as a mother would reply if she was upset and I was crying. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged body, burial, coffin, die before death, headless, taslimiyyah
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Q: My question is about vaccinations. Are they a blessing sent from Allah or a curse from Shayton? What is Mawlana’s advice in vaccinating ourselves and our children. Continue reading
about ‘Muhammad, the Messenger of Islam: His Life & Prophecy’
Q:In this book it is said that prophet Muhammad PBUH is ‘ Abu Arwah’ Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Abu arwah, body, clay, creation, Father of all souls, Hajjah Amina Adil, Haqiqat al-Muhammadiyya, mission, Muhammad, Reality of the Prophet (s), Sayyidina Adam (as), spirit, the Messenger of Islam, water
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jin in my room
Q: i had a strange experience an invisible ball moving iregularly in my room hiting walls and door but with a week intensity but moving with a high speed Continue reading