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Tag Archives: dead
Donating Qurban
1. Is it permissible / possible to give qurban of parts of a cow with the intention of it benefiting a person who is not living? I’d like to include my grandmother who has passed on. Kindly advise. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged Aqida Tahawiyya, benefit dead, dead, distributing, donating, offering, passed on, qurban, sacrifice, slaughtering
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Dream: Dead Cats
I found myself walking in a street cracked and broken… I thought why is it so hard to walk here, and I looked down the street was filled with the carcasses of dead cats…[fr]I hope this finds you in the best of health and blessings.
Last night I had a dream, the first part of which i find not worth mentioning, but towards the end I found myself walking in a street cracked and broken, if i remember correctly i was holding my 2 children’s hands’ and trying to walk with them. I thought why is it so hard to walk here, and i looked down the street was filled with the carcasses of dead cats…[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged carcass, cats, dead, difficulties, troubles
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Dream: Dead relatives
My aunty saw dream about dead women who were her relatives. She saw couple of… Continue reading
Dream: Dead, some flayed, horses
First of all, why do I keep dreaming of horses? I haven’t ridden for 15 years: is there a message here or is it just coincidence? Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged dead, flayed, flood of ignorance, horses, houses, spiritually dead
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Prayer Request: Dua for friends late father
I just want to humbly ask for a prayer on behalf of my friend who had her father pass away about a month ago… Continue reading
Posted in Prayer Request
Tagged dead, deceased, died, father, forgiveness, friend, masters, paradise, passed away, prayer, sins
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Dream: Death of grandad and drinking alcohol
My grandad has been dead for over 65 years… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged alcohol, alcohol consumption, co-workers, dead, death, died, doubtful enterprises, drinking, fall, foot, granddad, grandfather, grandpa, grave, illicit gain, income, paid, passed away, purify, sister, zakat
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Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w)
I was sitting on a chair in a room and there was a table in front of me on which there was the body of RasoolAllah(s.a.w) and it was his dead body… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged analyze, body, chair, dead, error, fist, hands, left hand, looking, man, Prophet Muhammad (s), room, Sunnah, table, white, white clothes, widespread
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Praying for the Deceased
I have a simple question surrounding praying for those who have passed away. When praying for our dearly departed, do they benefit more if we pray at their graves.. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine
Tagged actions, benefit, blessings, criteria, dead, deceased, deceased parents, died, distance, effort, forgiven, Friday, graves, ikhlas, intentions, lesson, nearness, obedience, physical proximity, pious ones, Prayers, remembrance, reminder, reward, salam, sincerity, truthfulness, visit
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Dream: Lady Minister
Some days back we had a strange dream!!! I was in a meeting with a lady minister in my country with other people too… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged alive, buried, button, country, dead, death, diamond, disappear, dunya, face, fight, heart, hitting, hole, Islamic knowledge, knife, lady, meeting, middle, minister, move, real support, revive, sand, strange, strength, throw, warning, water, wife
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Dream: Of my Father
My sister saw that my dead father rahmatou Allahalaih, was sitting with her, my mother and my young brother… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged bureaucracy, dead, deceased, died, disagreement, dress, father, follow, gold, hajj, harmony, home, instructions, jilbab, mother, passed away, prepare, silver, sister, sitting, spiritual adornment, stripes, white, work, young brother
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