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Tag Archives: end times
The Kingdom of Solomon a.s. and Mahdi a.s.
Our Beloved Shaykh Nazim al-Haqqani (q) mentions that the Jinn will build palaces for Mahdi (a.s.) and he will rule the world with miracles. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Qur'an & Tafsir, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged age of Imam Mahdi (as), end times, jinn, Last Days, Sayyidina Sulayman (as)
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May my salams reach everyone. I was wondering if there’s any truth behind the Mayan prophecy, in which their calendar ends on December 21, 2012… Continue reading
Posted in History
Tagged appearance of Imam Mahdi, end times, Islamic Sciences, Jafr, Mayan calendar, numerological symbolism, science of numbers
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Dream: Swords
There was a former king of a kingdom country has gem studded expensive sword. I thought of stealing it but I did not. Then again recently saw Maulana has a sword… Continue reading
Dream: Zikr by Allah(swt)
I saw this dream a few years back. I saw myself standing alone and watching the night sky… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged Allah swt, angel, astaghfirullah, Bismillahi 'r-Rahmani 'r-Raheem, crack, dark room, dhikr, end times, fall, falling, fell, fitna, la ilaha il-Allah, night, prediction, prophecy, Prophet Muhammad (s), protection, room, salawat, sky, sky-gazing, watching
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Dream: of Prophet Isa (a.s.)
I had a strange experience last year while nearly asleep. I saw a glowing face beside my bed, just a golden outline of a man’s face, and I felt that it was Isa (AS) who was staring at me… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged end times, face, golden, heaven, Holy Qur'an, looking, peace on earth, Prophet Jesus, Sayyidina `Isa, spirituality, Ummat an-Nabi (s)
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Investing in a new business when Imam Mahdi is near
My fiance wants to setup a new business. He is currently working as a teacher and is finding it harder and harder to cope financially. Continue reading
Posted in Belief & Doctrine, Family Issues
Tagged business, business venture, end times, finances, Imam Mahdi, new business, teacher
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Dream: zikr in my village
I had a dream that all the streets of my village were full of people attending zikr. Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged church, dhikr, end times, faith, golden letters, Imam Mahdi, iman, Islam, masjid, mosque, non-Muslims, Quran, worship
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Dream: Am I a healer now? Is it real?
One night after Maghrib prayer, I saw Imam Mahdi and My mursheed (Syeikh Imam Ashaari Muhammad At Tamimi), in a spiritual form. Continue reading
Daily Dhikr
I do daily dhikr (Allah 5,000x with tongue, 5,000x with the heart, and 1,000x or 2,000x Shalawat), and if I will do simultaneously dhikr for peace in end time that containing : Continue reading
Posted in `Ibadat - Worship, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged adab, awrad, daily practices, dhikr, end times, Last Days
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