Tag Archives: fajr
Scientific Errors
Lately, I have been discouraged by the internet about the Qura’an having contradictions of science… Continue reading
Dream: Impostoring shaytaan in a beautiful garden
After fajr whilst in wudu and falling asleep praying for someone who’s in hospital. I dream I’m in beautiful garden outside… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Unwanted Feeling
I need your duas so that I am able to get rid of unwanted feelings that have made it difficult for me to move on from something that happened in past… Continue reading
Dream: Bayah/Rauza Mubarak
1) I saw that someone is reading Quran and I didn’t see Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam but as far as I remember. I felt as Huzoore Paak Sallalaho Alaihi Wasallam… Continue reading
DUA for having baby boy
Alhamdulillah that ALLAH grant us 5 beautiful girls and we are asking if their is a special du’as for having the next time a baby boy?… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Imam Mahdi (RA)Rêve : Vision de l’Imam Mahdi (RA)
Yesterday morning before Fajr prayer, I was shown Imam Mahdi (RA) in a dream.[fr]Hier matin avant la prière du fajr, on m’a montré l’Imam Mahdi (RA) dans un rêve. La couleur noire dominait durant tout le rêve :…[/fr] Continue reading
Hearing a voice after dhikrEntendre des voix après le dhikr
During Rajab, I made dhikr… once, in the morning I heard after fajr a voice inside myself saying “I open my kingdom to you”. [fr]Un matin après le fajr durant le mois de Rajab, je faisais le dhikr …[/fr] Continue reading
Shaykh Hisham doing some miracle
Shaykh Hisham doing some miracle in front of my family and I said to my uncle “This is the real Shaykh”, and then he left for subuh prayer… Continue reading
Dream: Monstrous crocodile
A week ago I had a dream that I am driving home after job and my colleague is also with me. Continue reading
Dream: black clouds and two kinds of people
After fajr awrad, I dreamt I was in a car, (two men drove), turning very quickly on itself in a place filled with men who entertained. Continue reading