Tag Archives: hospital
Prayer Request: for my ill father
Apologies in advance if i un-knowingly write anything wrong or disrespectful… Continue reading
Prayer Request: dua for my niece
My niece [private] was born one month ago and now has been warded ICU for two… Continue reading
Dream: Urgent Help please. Patient is very sick.
My Aunt has been diagnosed with pantriatic cancer and struggling in Hospital… Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara to shoot guns
I did istikhara about what I should do in my personal project (learn how to shoot guns as it is hadith or do ihtiqaf,… Continue reading
Three questions about death
Is sudden death a rest for a mouemin. Is there a hadith stating this… Continue reading
Dream: Impostoring shaytaan in a beautiful garden
After fajr whilst in wudu and falling asleep praying for someone who’s in hospital. I dream I’m in beautiful garden outside… Continue reading
Dream: Istikhara Dream Interpretation
I am an unmarried woman who has made Istikhara regarding a guy that I like, although I had the dream a few nights after having done Istikhara:… Continue reading
Dream: Girl I love attempts suicide
I dreamt a few days back the girl that I love attempted to commit suicide at our work place by swallowing some kind of seeds because she bumped into a small boy and I was lifting her with a friend of mine to rush her to a hospital… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Pray for c-section
I am requesting you to please pray for my sister — doctors will perform a c-section on her tomorrow night, insha’Allah… Continue reading
Dream: Going to mosque
I saw a dream about uncle (my husband). He was about to go mosque for salaah but in the way he felt down and had to go hospital. Then he made a phone call to me but i could not talk with him. Continue reading