Tag Archives: istikhara
Dream: istikhaarah
This dream occurred when I was in Makkah during Ramadan 2010. I prayed istikharah about my ex-fiancé (who wanted to get back to me again), and the dream was as follows:.. Continue reading
Dream: What is the meaning of my istikhara prayer ?
I made istikhara for a job, for which is better. After fajr, I felt “moving” inside my chest, and dreamed being at home, outside big fights, very black clouds,… Continue reading
Dream: My Mother’s Dream of Snakes
There were 3 snakes trying to attack her, one was huge and 2 of them were small in size… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Permission and Guidance on Marriage Proposal
I am seeking guidance and permission to marry. Alhamdulilah there has been a proposal for marriage some time this week and I would like to ask for guidance on this Matter before accepting or rejecting the proposal. Kindly advice me and I humbly request for your duas. Shukran Continue reading
Confused about signs and what to do
I love someone I want to marry but things ended badly and we don’t talk… Continue reading
Additional or Recommended Dzikr in Jalsa Position
I currently say {Rabbi ighfirli wa arhamni}, can I say something that encorages Allah (swt) to give more mercy… Continue reading
Dream: Istakhara result
Dream: Assalamualaikum. I had done Istakhara for marriage with the person I want to. I had done 3 times, but don’t know what the result might be as, when I did for the first time I didn’t see anything. But … Continue reading
Dream: About a girl that I use to know
There was a girl that used to study with me. Even though we stopped talking to one another, I had a dream about this girl when I done istikhara if she was the one for me… Continue reading
Dream: Sister being burned
In my dream my sister A & aunty are in the basement waiting for my sis B to be brought down so they can burn her… Continue reading