Tag Archives: losing faith
Prayer for Marriage and Strong Imaan
please answer my question, if hasbunallahu wanaimalwakeel means allah is self sufficient and is a better disposer of affairs, then why should we do any dua’s- if what is going to happen is going to happen anyways. i listened to the respected shaykh and use to recite it 300x everyday (with lot of belief in it) for things to get better. but now i feel so hopeless that my salat and my little bit ibaadat has no fruits. ,i dont know why i feel hopeless these days… Continue reading
No hope, poverty, crushed spirits
I have no hope in life at all. I have gone through unimaginable multiple losses materially. Everyone crushes me emotionally: my friends and family. I can’t reply and I can’t defend myself: no honour… Continue reading
Doubt and imaan has become weak, what shall I pray?
Can you please tell how to donate English money as there is only a US$ option.
Please can you give me dua for increasing my belief in Allah and Prophet Mohammed (pbuh). I have been going through a lot of hardships in life with my job and enemies and my niece died who was child. I prayed to Allah but I only experience sadness and now I am beginning to question Allah’s existence… Continue reading
Would Allah (swt) still punish me?
I am deeply upset. I have been running after the Awliya Allah all of my life, but everywhere I go it is exactly the same. I now want to leave this tariqa… Continue reading
Losing Iman
I have noticed that my Iman is very weak, I am also not praying the five prayers any more… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Problems Practising Basic Islam
I want to stay with Shaikh Maulana through one of His Khalifas but I’m having trouble even keeping the basic practices and principles of Islam.. Continue reading
Please help!
I was told to slaughter 6 goats to have children by Maulana seikh hishaam. but my financial conditions are not good. what can i do?? Continue reading
Prayer Request: Desperate (urgent help wanted)
My faith in Islam has becoming shaken by others I see everywhere and I don’t know what is the truth… Continue reading
Scientific Errors
Lately, I have been discouraged by the internet about the Qura’an having contradictions of science… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Friend’s husband having doubts about Islam
Can you make dua for my friend’s husband..who has lost his imaan in Islam for many reasons..mostly to do with Muslims..what else can she do and pray??… Continue reading