Tag Archives: Naqshbandi Tariqah
Dream: Muharram dream
I was in Iraq with my parents and brother. We were outside one of the holy mosques. It was sandy… Continue reading
Dream: Prophet(AS)’s sandal
There was a white tent and Mawlana Sheykh Nazim was in it… Continue reading
Correct Protocol for Sayyidina Mehdi (alayhi salam)
Out of reverence to the Grandmasters of the Naqshbandi-Haqqani Tariqah, and especially to our beloved Master, Sultanul Awliya Mawlana Sheikh Nazim,… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Yearning to meet MSN
I took baya online about a month ago, and I try my best to do daily awrad wazaaif and optionals… Continue reading
Sunnah of Turban/ Khidr Nabi/ Abdur rauf yamani
Q: We have seen the Sunnah of the turban being twisted into our heads.How ever the Wahhabis do not follow that tradition & they have it as a shawl around their head. They claim that having it around the head is a stronger hadith. How true is this? Continue reading
Dream: “We want him”
In my dream I saw the face of Molana Hisham Kabbani (Allah protect him) and Sayyidi Shaykh Molana Nazim (Allah give him long life). Continue reading
Congregation vs being alone
I know that in the Naqshbandi Tariqa, one of the important things are congregation. Continue reading
Prayer Request: Mum to come to tariqa
please could Shaykh Hisham pray for my mum to become a follower of Mawlana Shaykh Nazim. I have been following Mawlana secretly for 4 years now due to family having wahabi views. Continue reading
Membership of 2 different tariqohs
1. Is it possible to be a member of two different toriqoh? Continue reading