Tag Archives: Prayers
Keep me learning and giving
thank you so much for your endless Blessing and Prayers, I Pray Allah give Strength, Good Health and Long Life to Mawlana Nazim, and I pray Allah give Strength, Good Health and Long Life to You Shaykh Hisham and Your wife and Family Continue reading
Focus during prayers
Q: When making intention and entering prayers, during takbiratul ihram, I have difficulty focusing and I often have all sorts of random images pop up in my mind, Continue reading
Drained upQuestion: A bout de forces
I am so lost, can’t do my awrads or even prayers well enough.[fr]Je suis tellement perdu, je ne peux pas faire mon awrad ou même mes prières…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Prayer
I saw a dog and I ran to save myself. I enter a room and close the door just before the dog approaches me. Continue reading
Advice and spiritual direction in cleaning my lower self and its desires
Sayyidi, forgive me for asking, but I have had my dream interpreted and this was the interpretation: Continue reading
Coming late to jama’ah
I have two fiqh questions: Continue reading
Q: salaam, i have just recently started to read namaaz, but i do not feel peace when i’ve read my namaaz, (astaghfirullah) i also think negatively towards everything and anything majority of the time. Continue reading
Prayer Request: For my beloved brother
Please pray for my beloved eldest brother who is in the hospital now and also to his family for patience always. Continue reading
Mawlana, Hajj and hardships
Q: I took bayat almost five years ago; since then I’m trying to go to Cyprus to visit Mawlana. I got into many dificulties and didn’t have sucess yet. Continue reading