Tag Archives: Prophet Muhammad (s)
Hadith about women’s status
I heard there is hadith about status of women in which Prophet Sall allahu alaihay wasallam said” that a woman is ruler… Continue reading
Sayyduna Abuk Bakr’s age
Shaykh Hisham said on the 6th of April 2011 at Dhuhur time in his lecture in Lefke that Saydunna Abu Bakr is older than prophet s.a.w… Continue reading
Dream: Numbers
I have seen the numbers 12 and 13 and a star. What does it mean?… Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Prophet Muhammad (s) in prayer
A couple of years ago, I dream of Sayyidina Muhammad sallahoualaiwassalam. In that dream I saw myself when I was about eight years old… Continue reading
Paradise in exchange for sending salams on Rasul’Allah (saw)?
I was reading the following article:… Continue reading
Wasee (the appointed one)
I was reading the munajat of Syedna Imam Zain Ul Abideen alaye hi salam in which he mentioned a phrase of “Wasiyye Muhammad Salla’l la ho alaye hi wasallam”… Continue reading
Troubles and Trials after Making Dhikr
How are you? I would like to ask you again a question that I asked you and the other shuyukh while we were in the car in Jakarta… Continue reading
Avatar Meherbaba
Does Moulana believe if he is the avatar of the age.?… Continue reading