Tag Archives: Shahada
1)What is the difference between azalijun (pre eternal) and qadimijun (ancient)?… Continue reading
Interested in a Catholic Man
Please help me Sheik to make decision about the man who is being associated with me… Continue reading
3 questions
1-What is meant by “believer”? Does it mean anybody who says shahaadah?… Continue reading
Dream: Reciting Shahaadat
The other night I had a dream I was on a green-like football field. I was reciting Ash-hadu Al-laaa Ilaaha Illa-llaahu Wahdahoo… Continue reading
Dream: Hazrat Ali in Dream
Driving in a bad snow storm. There are cars crashed. It is dangerous so we start walking… Continue reading
To K. Tourk and J. Haddad (dream I gave birth to baby AbuBakr Essadiq)
I think you are right, I will spiritually inherit from Abu Bakr S eddiq(1st ranked in Naqshbandi chain) because I have been visited by a saint in 2007… Continue reading
Living in Hell
The discussion began with a hadith it is said that after death, the tomb will be opened windows to Heaven and Hell… Continue reading
Dream: Imam Hussein
Around 3am in Monday, I got vision about Imam Hussein and see how he die… Continue reading