Tag Archives: upset
Anger in the household
Just before we married my wife accepted Islam and received bayat with Shaykh Nazim… Continue reading
Dream: Regarding Mawlana and Shaykh Hisham
It had appeared that something happened to Mawlana and that Shaykh Hisham became Sultan ul-Awliya… Continue reading
Dream: Sheikh Hisham and ex fiancee
I’ve had 2 dreams of ex. One was what felt like we are at derga of Sultan’s and in there she tells me she’s happy… Continue reading
He has to pay off many debts and he wanted some guidance in this regard and he is quite upset about it… Continue reading
No control of what I say
1. I made dhikr of 70,000 hasbunallah wa nimal wakeel, 70,000 lailaha illallah, 70,000 salawat on the intention for keepin our Sultan Mowlana Sheik Nazim in the best of health… Continue reading
Dream: Prophet (s) Hair
I dreamt of various containers of the Prophets Saw’s Hair Mubaruk… Continue reading
Meeting for MarriageMeeting for Marrige
Ya Sayadi, I have been talking to a brother online 4 about 2 years now. He says he likes me as a person and would like to meet me to consider marriage… Continue reading