Tag Archives: wali
Dream: Photo of Mawlana Shaykh
Before few days I saw Moulana Sheik Nazim’s photo in green colour dress and Dr Tahirul Qadiri and a wali (I don’t know who he is) in a dream… Continue reading
Dream: photo
i saw our beloved mawalana sheik nazim ‘s photo in my dream and then i saw one wali (i don’t know his name)and dr tahirul qadiri who was giving a lecture what is the interpretation of this dream Continue reading
noor on face
Sometimes a brother makes dhikr, recites the Quran, and then people come to him because they see noor on his face… Continue reading
Dream: Sun
I saw myself on a cliff. I was looking at the sun. Under the sun, there was a huge ocean. Continue reading
adaab and dua for visiting shrines of saints
Q: Please tell me what are the adaab of visiting the shrine/maqaam of a saint.and what should be recited or how should that saint be calles to take ‘fayz’ (spiritual benefit ) from that Wali (whose shrine/maqaam is one visiting). Continue reading
Dream: Quran written in thick gold
I had a dream where I entered a room with a large sized book, which was the Quran written in gold. Continue reading
Is he jinn or a wali?is he jin ? or awliya ?
I had a strange experience when I was 17. It happened 8 years ago in Ramadhan… Continue reading