Tag Archives: ziyara
I would like to know whether me and a group of sisters could get Shaykh Nazim’s permission to visit Istanbul, Turkey… Continue reading
Dream: ‘Allah’ on my hand
Shaykh in my dream on my right hand on the palm ‘Allah’ in Arabic was on it and people were doing Ziyarah of my hand… Continue reading
Dream: Regarding Mawlana and Shaykh Hisham
It had appeared that something happened to Mawlana and that Shaykh Hisham became Sultan ul-Awliya… Continue reading
Cemented high graves
Me and my family are Naqshbandis, and we often go to the shrines of saints for fatiha and request them to pray for us… Continue reading
Scientific Errors
Lately, I have been discouraged by the internet about the Qura’an having contradictions of science… Continue reading
Dream: Black cloth falling from the sky
Dream: Salams, I dreamt that I was travelling to see Sheikh Nazim, then a black cloth fell from the sky, I then said ‘subhanalla‘ and was allowed to go in to see Sheikh Nazim. I went into a white room, … Continue reading
Dream: Blessed Grave
What does it mean to see blessed grave of Rasool Sallal Laahu Alayhi Wasallam in one’s dream… Continue reading
Dream: Vision on Ijaaza
I imagined myself in the tomb of Sheikh Ibn Arabi RA and requesting Ijaaza for reading Hizb Al-Wiqaya… Continue reading