Author Archives: Ustadh Abdul Shakur Hadi
Conditions for Intention in Ibadah
What are the conditions for a valid intention in any act of ibadah? (mainly wudu’, prayers and ghusl)… Continue reading
Waxing Private Areas
I have a question regarding cleanliness. Continue reading
I am wondering that if a Muslim has done zinah in his past, how can he do kuffara for that sin… Continue reading
prayer qabliyah jum’ah
I used to have jum’ah prayer in a mosque that always have a qabliyah prayer before adzan… Continue reading
Prayer Request: Increased strength of character and calm heart
I ask that the Shaykh pray for my character to strengthen in what is good and right; that my heart is calm and open, and that I am pardoned my sins… Continue reading
I would like to ask about the status of horn according to the different madzhabs, especially according to the Shafi’i school… Continue reading
Is sunnah prayers allow between Arshar and Margrib prayers?
Q: Please forgive me. Just really want to know if we can pray 2 rakaats of Sunnah Wudu prayers as well as Masjid prayers while waiting for the adzaan for Margrib? Continue reading
Raffle Tickets/Entering a Draw
Q: My workplace is selling raffle tickets ($5.00 for 1, $9.00 for 2, etc) to raise money for a charity. Continue reading
adaab and dua for visiting shrines of saints
Q: Please tell me what are the adaab of visiting the shrine/maqaam of a saint.and what should be recited or how should that saint be calles to take ‘fayz’ (spiritual benefit ) from that Wali (whose shrine/maqaam is one visiting). Continue reading
still born baby
Q: We have just given birth to a stillborn child of 8 months gestation. Following the law of the country and Sheikh Hisham’s awrad we have buried her as soon as it was possible (39 hours after birth) in a Muslim cemetery. Continue reading