Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad

About Shaykh Gibril Haddad

Prayer Request: Reducing eyes vision

I humbly request to pray for my cousin who is suffering eye vision problem for the last 18 years now.[fr]I humbly request to pray for my cousin who is suffering eye vision problem for the last 18 years now.[/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Nazim in my home

I dreamed that Shaykh Nazim is in my home and there are people with prayer beads (tasbeeh) in their hands and they are showing their prayer beads to Maulana Nazim (R.A.). Continue reading

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Dream: dream or illusion

It’s been seven months ago when this happened to me. Me and my husband have just come from a 4-5 hrs long journey. Continue reading

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Dream: Just a voice

In this dream, there was no images at all … only a voice saying[fr]In this dream, there was no images at all … only a voice saying[/fr] Continue reading

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Dream: levitation in a dream

Approximately a year ago I had a dream that I saw Iesa AS. He looked as if he was levitating in the air and the background was pure white. Continue reading

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On Nafs Al-Mardiyyah

Q: How does somebody have the animalistic soul (ruh haywaniyya) and human soul (ruh) meet?[fr]Q: How does somebody have the animalistic soul (ruh haywaniyya) and human soul (ruh) meet?[/fr] Continue reading

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Prayer Request: husband to get legal papers to stay

Please I have a prayer request since the resistance is strong, I lost so much money and energy. We married Islam way and in law of my country, but he is not yet allowed to stay, many difficulties. Continue reading

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How to do if someone possessed by jinn

Q: I am working on manufacturing field in Indonesia, that mostly employs woman operators, from my experiences, if they get a problems in their life, or they are getting ill, they usually easy to be possessed by jinn. Continue reading

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Q: I remember reading a wonderful article you had written about the Khawarij in the times of Sayidunna Ali (ra) and Sayidunna Hussein (ra) unfortunately I cannot find it online anymore. Continue reading

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Q: I feel like i have made some improvements but i uderstand that it is minute in reality however recently i keep thinking about the sins i have commited in my life and i feel like they are still a burden on me Continue reading

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