Author Archives: Shaykh Gibril Fouad Haddad
Khatm Quran gathering
Q: Is it permitted to hold a gathering to celebrate the completion of khatm of the Quran? Continue reading
Praying behind Imam Wiping over Socks
Q: I have previously been advised that, while it is not our business to find the faults of others if we know that an Imam has wiped over his socks, or that it is his practise, it renders the salah behind him – according to this position – invalid. Continue reading
Q: Pls advise what is the Hanafi judgment about “diyyat” in case of man and woman separately. Continue reading
Hadith: forgiveness of major sins
Q: Does the hadith below cover major sins (kaba’ir)? Continue reading
Repentance for zina and drinking
Q: Could you please advise the best method of repentance for the following: 1) Adultery; 2) Drinking alcohol[fr]Q: Could you please advise the best method of repentance for the following: 1) Adultery; 2) Drinking alcohol[/fr] Continue reading
Planting on graves
The custom of placing flowers is a Bid’at (innovation) and is not established from the Shari’ah. Continue reading
Eve created from Adam’s rib
According to my knowledge Hawa (Eve) was created from a rib of Adam. I always knew this to be the case however an article in a local newspaper in Pakistan, a scholar said that there is no proof of this i.e. no evidence (hadith) exists. Continue reading
Repeat drunkards
Q: Did the Prophet call for the killing of repeat drunkards? Continue reading
Dream: Ahl-ul-Bayt
Question: Assalamualaikum Shaykh, Forgive me for my lack in adab. I had a dream in which my maternal uncle told me that his family was an ahl-ul-bayt. And so I asked if the blood being from my mother would it … Continue reading