Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

Prayers in winter

1) In the UK, zohr is around 1 pm, assr around 2.45 pm and maghrib at 4pm. At work or if I happened to be out, it becomes sometimes difficult to do the 3 prayers on time, as they are in a 3 hour gap.
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Awrad/Wazifa for Contentment in Heart

I needed a Wird/Wazifa for contentment and peace of heart & soul.
Lately, it feels like I am going into depression and having suicidal thoughts. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: infertility

We are a 10 year old couple. My wife is a divorcee & has two children from her last husband. [fr]We are a 10 year old couple. My wife is a divorcee & has two children from her last husband. [/fr] Continue reading

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Prayer Request: constant fight with jinn

I am currently being attacked by jinn everyday, especially when I sleep at night. Continue reading

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Prayer Request: To get rid of a loan

Hazrat, I want to get rid of a loan, please pray for me. Continue reading

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Prayer Request:Safe Passage

I am buried deep in the mines of arrogance, selfishness and laziness
Ya Sayyidi. Continue reading

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Dream: Prophet Muhammad (s) came to my home

I recently had a dream in which Rasool Allah SAW knocked on the door and I opened the door and greeted him with respect. Continue reading

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Dream: Maulana and Dajjal (i think)

I had a dream last night (new years) and I remember it vaguely. There were four people standing in a circle. Myself , MSN and two people, one big and small in motorbike helmets (I think they were the Dajjal). Continue reading

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Not agreeing with Imam’s takfir

Mosque board members have declared that people who don’t consider Deobandis to be kuffar like the Qadianis – in accordance with the fatwas of Mawlana Ahmad Raza Barelwi – are ‘unwanted’ in the Masjid. Continue reading

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Fear of jinns
Peur des Jinns

I wanted to ask on how to remove fear from everything except Allah (SWT).[fr]J’aimerai savoir comment me défaire de la peur de tout excepté d’Allah (SWT)…[/fr] Continue reading

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Peur des Jinns