Author Archives: Shaykh Muhammad Hisham Kabbani

qaseeda ghousia

CAn a naqshbandi haqqani recite qasida e ghousia for barkat ?or he should read only naqshbandi supplications? Continue reading

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Dream: Meeting a saint

I had a dream that I was walking down a path which was made out of clay. All of a sudden, I see a saint who is from the Naqshbandi Mujaddadi Tariqa. Continue reading

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Dream: Met the Prophet (saw)

I had a very strange dream where I was in a room and a person was praying. Another person beside me tells me, “that’s the Prophet (saw)”. Continue reading

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Dream: Candies

I saw that I was going through a narrow street. I saw a small shop on one side. I stopped there to buy some desi candy/sweet. Continue reading

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Lost my job

Please Mawlana Shiekh Hisham, I was forced to resign from my job. Please pray for me to go back to work under a just and healthy environment. Continue reading

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Low self-esteem and confidence

I have very low self-esteem and confidence. Because of this, I am limiting myself – to look for a job and to get married. Continue reading

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Stone heart and ego

I have lots of problems with myself. I have a very big ego and am very proud. Also I am stone hearted. Continue reading

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How to try for marriage in a non Muslim country

We know from hadiths of our beloved Prophet (saw) that marriage is half our deen. However, if one does not live in a Muslim country… Continue reading

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Dream: a shaykh and a lady

I was sitting in a white space in a chair. Next there was a shaykh person in a chair. I don’t know who the shaykh was. Continue reading

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Dream: Am I a healer now? Is it real?

One night after Maghrib prayer, I saw Imam Mahdi and My mursheed (Syeikh Imam Ashaari Muhammad At Tamimi), in a spiritual form. Continue reading

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