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Tag Archives: broken
Dream: Istikhara to shoot guns
I did istikhara about what I should do in my personal project (learn how to shoot guns as it is hadith or do ihtiqaf,… Continue reading
Dream: Surface of tooth fell out
I dreamt that from the upper left molar, the surface of one tooth was chipped and fell out… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged area, broken, brush, chip, chipped, condition, dentist, desire, family, family member, father's side, female, grind, hand, inner surface, left, loving, milk, molar, money, outer surface, pain, preserve, protect, relative, repay, shrink, shrunk, sincere, special toothpaste, suffer, surface, teeth, tooth, upper, woman
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They run away?
I noticed a pattern and I am getting worried. I am single. For the past 5 years, I haven’t been able to meet a suitable man to marry… Continue reading
Posted in Family Issues
Tagged 2 raka`ats, attracted, Ayat al-Kursi, broken, cancel plans, downhill, du`a, educational background, engaged, good family, good manners, pattern, plans, pretty, pursue, recite, salawat, seeking marriage, single, suitable husband, Surat al-Fatiha, taslim, Thursday night, worried, ya Fattah
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Dream: Being an imam and eggs
I saw that I was imam (I am a girl) and was leading the prayer… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged area, broken, du`a, eating, eggs, fear, girl, ill-placed, imam, Khatm Khwajagan, lead, leading prayer, loss, man's voice, mistakes, money, picking, property, raw, recite, responsibility, salat al-Dhuhr, women
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Dream: Driving on through broken road and obstacles?
Thank you for all very much your answers on my dreams and visions etc. I had a dream where I am in the car with my sister who is driving the car… Continue reading
Dream: Dagger and Sword Of Prophet Sal Allaho Alaihi Wasallam
I work in a call center hence sleep routine is different. I want to bring to your knowledge that it’s my habit to listen to quran in mp3 player… Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged amanat, broken, cab, call center, dagger, holy relics, Imam Mahdi, mp3 player, Prophet Muhammad (s), Quran, revive, saints, sleep routine, Sunnah, sword, taxi, Topkapi Palace, travel, Turkey, ummah, white
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