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Tag Archives: hadrah
Wild noises in hadrah?
i want to know why some pepole be making noises like wild pepole like they hav escaped from the jungle when pepole in cyprus… Continue reading
Did Imam Qurtubi forbid Raqs ?
There are quotes online where Imam Qurtubi in surah al kahf verse 14, surah bani israel verse 37… Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram
Tagged childish noise, circumambulate, clapping, consensus, disturb, forbid, hadrah, halal, haram, Imam al-Qurtubi, Mecca, naked, noise, polytheists, prayer, prohibited, raqs, whistling
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Many people do the hadrah and come out with a sore back or feeling dizzy. There are some that you can see are feeling something… Continue reading
Posted in Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged angels, broken heart, cramp, dhikr, dizzy, dunya, hadrah, martyrs, mercy, perfect submission, presence, pride, prophets, righteous, salawat, self-conscious, siddiqeen, Siddiqin, sincerity, sore back, spiritual proximity, spiritual state
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Shafi`is on Hadrah
Q: Could you kindly comment on some of the ‘retractions’ of the Shafi’is from their opinions on the Hadrah and the position of Imam Shafi’i mentioned here: Continue reading
Posted in Halal & Haram, Sufism (Tasawwuf)
Tagged al-raqs, bida`, blameworthy innovation, corrupt Sufis, dancing, ectasy, hadrah, Imam al-`Izz ibn `Abd al-Salam, Imam Ghazali, Imam Subki, sama, Sufism, tasawwuf, wajd
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Dream: Hadrah and Shaykh HishamRêve: Hadrah et Shaykh Hisham
I was in gathering and it was all among youth(17-25 years of age). I knew none of them…[fr]Salams bien aimé Sayedi Shaykh Hisham, puisse Allah vous donner une longue vie, …[/fr] Continue reading
Posted in Dream Interpretation
Tagged adult, awliya, awliyaullah, boy, children, circle, danger, followers, girl, hadrah, Mawlana Shaykh Hisham Kabbani, Mawlana Shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani, mixed gathering, mureeds, qasida, singer, singing, uncomfortable, youth
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Rêve: Hadrah et Shaykh Hisham