Tag Archives: head
Dream: God is Denied His Rights
I dreamt I was sitting at a table across Shaykh Ecref Efendi and that he tossed a cup of tea onto my right palm and then read my palm. Continue reading
Prayer Request: For healthdua for health
Sayyedi, my husband needs your duas for an easy transition to new medication for seizure as prescribed by his doctor. Continue reading
Dream: PrayingRêve: En prière
I dreamed 2 days back that it’s raining heavily. I go to my balcony, cover my head with a cloth and raise my hands and pray to Allah[fr]Il y a deux jours, j’ai rêvé qu’il pleuvait abondamment. En allant sur mon balcon, j’ai couvert ma tête avec un tissu et J’ai levé mes mains pour invoquer Allah…[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Imam Abu Hanifa in space
I saw two star signs, one was of cancer and I didn’t remember the second one!
Then a cross mark appeared on both signs and it was a feeling like when these stars are crossed we can reach the space where ALLAH (swt) is present! Continue reading
Dream: holy nose of Prophet saws
I saw Saidouna Mouhammad salla allahou aleihi wa sallem. He was about 20 years old. Continue reading
Dream: Seeing Mawlana Shaykh Nazim
Shaykh Nazim came to my house with another man with a white beard, which I don’t know who it was. Shaykh Nazim entered and went into my bedroom and put both his hands on my head and removed something, as in some evil was being removed from me… Continue reading
Prayer Request: for my mother
His prayer please for my mother named [private]. I stay in Jakarta and my mother lived in Aceh. Continue reading
Dream that’s never out of my Thoughts
Even Since I saw the Dream at the age of 10 ( now 25) This dream has always been in my consiousness all through. I saw myself roaming in the old Arabia with Mud walls, houses and deserts. .. Continue reading