Tag Archives: milk
Dream: Surface of tooth fell out
I dreamt that from the upper left molar, the surface of one tooth was chipped and fell out… Continue reading
Breastfeeding while pregnant
I would like to ask if it is ok to continue breastfeeding a baby if you find out you are pregnant… Continue reading
Food that’s been offered to the deities
Is it permissible for us to eat vegetarian food prepared by practicing Hindus, that has been offered to the deities after preparation?… Continue reading
Meaning of name
I recieved the spiritual name Jafar, but I don´t know the meaning of the name… Continue reading
Dream: Milk and honey
I dream of drinking milk and honey with a lady who is not my wife or relative… Continue reading
Dream: spider
I had a dream about a spider making a web. He was on a strand of web in front of me. Then later i see a large container of milk.[fr]I had a dream about a spider making a web. He was on a strand of web in front of me. Then later i see a large container of milk.[/fr] Continue reading
Dream: Seydina Djibril.
I dreamed I was in a dark place, lost, and I heard Allah. He answered repeating, “Allah”. Continue reading