Tag Archives: salawat

Hearing a voice after dhikr
Entendre des voix après le dhikr

During Rajab, I made dhikr… once, in the morning I heard after fajr a voice inside myself saying “I open my kingdom to you”. [fr]Un matin après le fajr durant le mois de Rajab, je faisais le dhikr …[/fr] Continue reading

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Entendre des voix après le dhikr

Dua e jamila

Please tell what is known as dua e jamila ? Continue reading

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Batin Martial Art

Q: I would like to know if the Batin Martial Art is practice in Islam throughout the generation of any prophets? Someone said there is Saidina Ali Sword practice where u can use your hand as a sword. Is this true? Continue reading

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Dream: hearing voices reading salawatu nabi

dreamed one day i was between sleep and wake i was hearing men voices reading beautyfull salawtu nabi i Continue reading

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Dream: Shaykh Hisham and my children

1.In a gathering Sh.Hisham was screaming to my 10 year old daughter.
Later I was with Sh. Hisham in a small humble car. Continue reading

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Dream: Visitation (ziyarah) of a grave
Rêve: Visite (ziyarah) d’une tombe

In this dream, I was visiting a Grave (Qabr) which was leveled to the ground. That was the single grave there, and it was present in a huge (plain) grassland with beautiful green grass. [fr]Sayyidi! Pouvez-vous, s’il vous plaît, interpréter ce rêve que j’ai eu?[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve: Visite (ziyarah) d’une tombe

‘Ahl as-Sunna view on S. ‘Ali Maqam

I would like to know ‘Ahl as-Sunna and Mawlana’s view on Sayyidina ‘Ali (a.s.) Maqam. Where is he really buried? Continue reading

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Disturbed by my marriage

I am deeply disturbed about my ”marriage”. I married a man who promised me many things. Continue reading

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Dream: We are cousins…
Rêve: Nous sommes cousins…

After Sheikh Hisham told me to do 1500 dzikr ‘Allah Allah’ 300 shalawat and 1 Al-Fatihah that Insya Allah, Allah will bring back the man that I love,[fr]Après que Cheikh Hisham nous ai conseillé de réciter 1500 fois le zikr ‘Allah Allah’, 300 fois salawat et 1 foisAl-Fatihah pour que Inch’ Allah…[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve: Nous sommes cousins…

Dream: Hateem!!!
Rêve sur Sami Yousouf

I saw that brother Sami Yousuf is sitting inside Hateem and some persons are sitting behind him (as those who sit in qawwali, for backing vocals etc.)[fr]J’ai vu [en rêve ou en vision] que frère Sami Yousuf était assis à l’intérieur de Hateem…[/fr] Continue reading

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Rêve sur Sami Yousouf